Information and Reports / Securities Registrar
Securities registrar information consists of debt securities, equity securities and funds registration as follows
Debt securities registrar Debt securities registrar

Debt securities reports present information on debt instruments issued in Thailand by residence and non-residence and oversea securities issued by
Thai residence for both script and
script-less types. The information for
debt securities is provided from
the Bank of Thailand (BOT), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Thai Bond Market Association (ThaiBMA).

Equity securities registrar Equity securities registrar

Equity securities reports present information on stocks issued in Thailand by residence and non-residence and oversea securities issued by Thai residence for both script and script-less types. The information for equity security is provided from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).

Derivative registrar Funds registrar

Funds information reports present information on mutual and property funds issued in Thailand by residence and non-residence and oversea funds issued by Thai residence. The information for funds is provided from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

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